Monday, September 30, 2013

Inflation underway

Even though I was not here last Friday, progress was still made. Fernando and the team were able to inflate the rear tire. 

Today we are continuing to look for the parts to mount all the tires. 

Goal: have sk2 rolling by the end of the week.

Possible? Yes. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Changing course

Due to the stagnation with inflating the tires, we moved to mounting the axel and brake calipers. Here Fernando is cutting the screws to fit them into the brake calipers 

Friday, September 20, 2013

And we are rolling cont.

We are currently having issues inflating the tires. We are researching inner tubes for the tires so we can have a simpler solution to our problem. We are still working hard into trying to inflate them without tubes.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

And We Are rolling!

Today was a very productive day. Fernando and I were able to find the axle and sprocket for the back wheel. Along with finding the valves for the tires. Sk2 should be up and rolling within weeks!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Let's Get Rolling!

  Today we worked hard on getting the tires mounted on the rims but we later realized we needed valve stems for the rims. We are hard at research to find what kind of valve stem we need for our rims.

Friday, September 6, 2013


What are we doing?

We are all off to a slow start with a lack of curriculum.
But will that stop progression? I think not.
Blogging must be done to update Solar Knight followers. 

Once plans are gathered, money is raised, and morale is instilled in our Knights the team will be jumping off the block and beginning a long race to victory. 

We all have high hopes for these next few weeks. 

GOAL UPDATE: Car is projected to be up and running by the end of September. 
Lets do this!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Fernando and I working the blog. Everything is coming together nicely. 
Squad is assembled 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Day 1- Designs on Designs 

We are at the beginnings of something great, but first, we need the blue prints for something so great,

Arthur and I (Jeffrey) scoured the internet for possible SK2 designs. 
We lurked the enemy,
Exploited the kinks in their armor,
Brainstormed designs that will bring home the gold. 
Simple as that.

Even though this is a  model car, Arthur and I decide that this is a possible design that combines the perks of all other designs, into one, GOLD worthy Solar Knight.